A comprehensive mobile application for local PBL chapters


About PeeBLe

The goal of the PeeBLe app is to consolidate all the resources of communication for local PBL chapters together in one comprehensive Android mobile application.


The PeeBLe app allows different users to have separate logins for a more individualized experience.


An integrated chat allows for different users to communicate with other chapter members.


A calendar accessed from within the app allows members to add and keep track of PBL events.

File Sharing

Using a shared cloud storage drive, users are able to download any file needed for the organiztion of the chapter.

Download PeeBLe

Download the app here! If you want to install just the app, click the "Download app" button.
(Note: this app only works for Android Devices)

Download app (for Android only)

Instructions for running the app

To install the app to an Android device:

  1. Click the "Download app" button.
  2. Click "OK" if a prompt that reads "this type of file could harm your device" or any other variation appears.
  3. Press the notification that shows the downloaded file.
  4. If a prompt appears that reads "For your security, your phone is not allowed to install unknown apps from this source", click the "Settings" button. Then press the "Allow from this source" toggle switch to on. Press the back button on the device. If this prompt did not appear for you, then skip this step.
  5. Press the install button.
  6. Once the app finishes installing, press the open button. All done!


Download different versions of PeeBLe and Android Studio projects here (for advanced users only)!

PeeBLe v5 (current)

This version of PeeBLe features a cloud-based file sharing system that allows users to interact with files on a shared cloud storage drive.

PeeBLe v4

This version of PeeBLe now has an update application icon. A notification also appears whenever a new message is received.

PeeBLe v3

This version of PeeBLe features a completely working calendar. The user can add, modify, and/or delete events. The events also properly propagate on the calendar.

PeeBLe v2

This version of PeeBLe features a chat with a working front-end and back-end. The calendar has also gotten a new look, allowing the user to interact with the dates (no action implemented yet!).

PeeBLe v1

This version of PeeBLe features a proof of concept design. Mainly the front-end of the app is implemented, including a login, front-end chat, and calendar.


Login Screen

Login Screen

Login Screen with Pop-Up

Google Sign-In


Navigation Bar

Chat Screen

PBL Chapter Chat

Calendar Screen

PBL Chapter Calendar

Calendar Event List

Agenda by Date

Event Editor

Calendar Event Editor

Cloud Storage

Cloud Storage File Explorer